The Story of "Jesus and Me"
“When did you first encounter Jesus?” I didn’t ask it; one of my ninth graders asked it. And she didn’t ask me this question; she asked it to the whole class. Every fifth day or so we play a game; I ask my students to stop taking notes and to stop worrying about tests and grades; they need to just be still with themselves and with each other. Practice sharing and listening. Practice Loving and being Loved by each other. On a basic level, we are making affective that which we have been studying in the vacuum of the classroom. We are practicing the Authentic Self…not just studying it. “When did you first encounter Jesus?” she asked the class. It is the question I always wanted to hear in this “game”, but would never ask it myself. It is the one question that has to come from a student for the ensuing conversation to be genuine. All I can do is create the space where they feel free to ask th...