“Christianity, really, is a relationship with God. Faith is how God invites us into that relationship and how we will live in that relationship. As a teacher, I make sure my students understand these concepts. Many of them have no concept of an invitation to be in a relationship with God; they may not even know they are Loved. My job is to do whatever I can to let them know they are Loved by God, regardless of anything they do or say. Their own action in response to the invitation, their act of Faith, either deepens that relationship or it does not. Our acts of Faith are extensions of the invitation God gives us...we Love God and others in response to God's Love for us. I pray for the wisdom to help my students to grow in that Belovedness and in that Love.” This is the blog where I am going to go into some deeper Theology of Pedagogical Theory and more explicit concepts related to what we call the Catholic Identity of our schools. I have been thinking about this a great deal ...